This isnt life

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Love me drunk hate me drunk

I had my first drink when I was 15. I had gotten my sister to buy me a bottle of vodka so naturally I took it to school the next day. Not knowing what it tasted like I naturally just mixed it with several milk cartons. By the end of first period I was already quite drunk and those dumb 15 year old girls sure did love the uninhibited funny David that it brought out. Years pass and i’m still funny drunk David but the girls are gone. They left with my high school six pack abs. I had a girlfriend who put up with any of my asinine antics because she was in love. More time passes and it seems like the laughter has stopped. After being snubbed by a neighbor who I thought was my friend I snapped and asked him why he was being a dick. He said he hated seeing me drunk and had decided i shouldnt be in his life. He continued saying that while I was still funny when drunk the idea that I enjoyed myself much more with a few drinks in me was very upsetting to him. I didnt understand why this dildo would give a shit if I liked my drunk self better.i had other friends so who needs him? Within a year my friends were dropping like flies out of my life and it was then that I realized when we get older you just aren’t supposed to like the same things you did as a kid and anyone who does is seen as sad or has some kind of emotional dependance on the old comforts. Feeling self conscience about this I cut down on drinking and tried to force myself to enjoy more age appropriate things for a 30 year old man. Within several weeks a revelation came to me. I liked myself sober and I liked myself drunk. If that means i’m mentally stunted and seen as pathetic then so be it. I will wear that crown because when I see what my old “grown up” friends have turned into with their Netflix binges and sudden interest in interior design and listening to fucking Joel Osteen podcast it makes me want to vomit out of anger at the person they could be if they just stopped worrying about who they should be. Find your own happiness and embrace it. Go against the current as long as u want we only have this one life probably.